Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis: Literature and links You are HERE Toxoplasmosis: Prevention Toxoplasmosis: Treatment Toxoplasmosis: Diagnosis Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms Toxoplasmosis: Ways of infection Toxoplasmosis: Main-page Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Frequently Asked Questions

Sorry, not ready now

We are planning a child,

IgG is positive
My husband and I are planning to have a baby, but my serology test of toxoplasmosis showed that IgM is negative but IgG is positive.
I need your advise about this, do you think it would be alright to have a baby now, or do I need to take medication first?

Being IgG positive for Toxo means, that you have had contact to the parasite before. Therefore you have antibodies, and they protect you for the rest of your life, and the parasite will not harm any pregnancy (except in case of a severe problem with the immunological system [ - like AIDS])
Therefore: no medication necessary, and you can say welcome to your baby ..

What about my cat?

I am pregnant

I am positive

Toxo in my eye

Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis: Literature and links HERE we are Toxoplasmosis: Prevention Toxoplasmosis: Treatment Toxoplasmosis: Diagnosis Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms Toxoplasmosis: Ways of infection Toxoplasmosis: Main-page Congenital Toxoplasmosis

This page was established by: Alex Trojovsky

file last changed: August 20th, 2000.